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Safety is our top priority.

Safety is an integral part of Safe Zone’s job performance. Maintaining a safe work environment for residents, employees, subcontractors and design professionals on each job site is a priority. The protection of existing amenities and structures is also paramount when working to repair an existing building.

Safe Zone employs a full-time authorized OSHA Standards Trainer/Occupational safety Director. Field personnel receives safety training in various areas of OSHA 1910 and 1926 Construction Industry Standards on a regular basis, as well as weekly field training on all job sites.

Site surveys are performed regularly to ensure compliance. Safe Zone holds the rare distinction of being a Scaffold Industry Association Accredited Training Institute.

Our safety managers have certifications in OSHA 30, 500, 510, First Aid, CPR, AED, Fall Protection, Crane Signal, and Rigging, and Train the Trainer for Silica, Forklift, Aerial Work Platform, and Earth Moving.

Safe Zone Safety Training